Our 2010 collection will continue to grow as more is added.
While the bulk of Tempo 2010 performances still occuring at TAPAC, other venues spread throughout Auckland hosted Tempo events as well - the Auckland War Memorial Museum, Mangere Arts Centre, the Moving Image Centre, The Telstra Clear Pacific centre, The Town Hall Concert Chamber, Maidment Studio, and Auckland Grammar School. This ensured that the Tempo brand was seen in diverse neighbourhoods and communities.
There seemed to be a distinct emphasis on the male dancer in 2010. This year there were two events that focused on the life and work of selected dance artists; the dancer honoured was Taiaroa Royal while Douglas Wright was acknowledged as ‘one of New Zealand’s greatest dancers and choreographers’ with a tribute event titled Celebrating a Choreographer. Consisting of film clips of his works and in-person stories from colleagues and friends, this evening was a true celebration of an iconic New Zealand artist. The Y Chromozone showcase featured an array of male dancers, from the TMC and Prestige crews, dancers from Black Grace, the duet work of Taiaroa Royal and Taane Mete, and Kim Bergh performing a ballet solo. BoyzDance 2 filled the stage at Auckland Grammar with fifty boys aged between 4-15 years old. The Dance Studio’s director Jacqui Cezan’s three sons, Richie, Andrew and Josh, also appeared in this show. Workshops especially for boys in Hip-Hop, Contemporary and Tap also took place during Tempo in the TAPAC studios.
Companies returing to Tempo included Atamira Dance Collective, Footnote and Back-Lit Productions, while the popular event Old Yeller, featuring dancers and choreographers considered ‘old’ by professional standards but still contributing to dance in Aotearoa included Moana Nepia, Felicity Molloy, Mary Jane O’Reilly, Liz Kirk and Ann Dewey and Patrick Sunderhauf. The Teen Show and Tertiary Colours again promoted young dancers from local dance studios and university courses respectively. A programme presented by Shona McCullagh, Felicity Molloy, Debra McCulloch and Marianne Schultz, Merchants of Venus, revisted, via movement, text and film, the history of their 1990 performances under the same name.
Emily Campbell
Call to Wallis
Alex Leonhartsberger
The Teen Show
Y Chromozone
The Teen Show
Tai Royal and Taane Mete